Czech Oncological Network

Press release

The costs of modern oncological treatment are rising and it is only possible to work efficiently with a certain degree of integration of oncological services. The one who treats malignant tumours more often is the one who treats them better. The programmes supported by WHO, UICC, EC, OECI and EORTC emphasize the necessity of creating national networks of oncological centres. The public has a right to be informed of a transparent network of professionally guaranteed oncological services and gradually also on the quality and equity of care.

With these starting-points and as part of the fulfilment of point 4 of National Oncological Programme the Board of the Czech Oncological Society of ČLS JEP decided to grant guarantees of the Czech Oncological Society to those workplaces that fulfil criteria of Complex Oncological Centre or Complex Oncological Group and will help to build networks of oncological services in the regions in co-operation with smaller wards or out-patient clinics participating in oncology treatment.

On its web pages provides a form for those interested to declare fulfilment of criteria of a Complex Oncological Centre or Complex Oncological Group together with an application for guarantee of the Czech Oncological Society. The closing date for these applications is 30.November 2005. After their evaluation, by end of 2005 at the latest, the basic structure of Oncocentres Network will guatanteed by the COS will be announced to the Ministry of Health, medical insurance companies and the public.

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