Klin Onkol 1998; 11(4): 112-115.

Summary: Background: The results for the treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL). known by for aggressive behaviour and poor prognosis, have recently shown signs of improvement due to use of a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Design and Subjects: This retrospective study performed at our clinic includes evaluation of 8 patients with PCNSL (4 men and 4 women with a median of 57.5 years).
Methods and Results: In our work, we describe the first results of PCNSL treatment according to a protocol which includes: high dose methotrexate and cytosinarabinoside, intrathecal application of methotrexate, craniospinal radiotherapy. In a group of 8 patients, only 4 of them completely finished the proposed treatment. All four of them achieved complete remission. At the present. 2 are still in complete remission (4 and 24 months). 1 patient died due to relapse of disease. The reason for the death of the fourth patient is unknown. Conclusions: This protocol is not exceedingly toxic. Pinal results of the protocol support the efficacy of this therapy for PCNSL.