Gliomatosis cerebri - a rare and not-easily ascertainable malignant disease of the Central nervous system. Literature review and a case report in a child


Klin Onkol 2002; 15(5): 192-197.

Summary: Gliomatosis cerebri (GC) represents a rare and not-easily ascertainable malignant disease of the central nervous system. Histopathogenesis of the disease remains not yet clarified. Morphological appearence of GC may be identical with that of low-grade gliomas. However, by means of it’s biological behaviour GC appertains to high-grade malignant tumors. The prognosis of GC remains poor. There is no successful treatment at present. The authors present an unique case report of a seven year old boy with bithalamic diffuse glioma demonstrating difficulties with the establishment of the diagnosis of GC.

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