Controversion in radiotherapy of locally advanced breast carcinoma


Klin Onkol 2004; 17(4): 127-130.

Summary: This communication follows our article „Controversion in postoperative radiotherapy of early breast carcinoma“ published last year (Klinická onkologie, 2003, roč.16, č.1, s. 4-9). We are trying to point out a controversion in radiotherapy of locally advanced breast carcinoma. This topic is frequent due to high incidence of locally advanced breast carcinoma in our population. Radiotherapy is an important part of multimodal therapy together with systemic treatment and surgery. The mean aim of radiotherapy is to decrease the probability of local recurrence and thus increase overall survival. Only with combination of systemic therapy, surgery and radiotherapy we can reach maximal locoregional disease control. There are a number of questions regarding indication and techniques of radiotherapy in locally advanced breast carcinoma. We tried to find some answers in our article.

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