Trends of morbidity and mortality on colorectal cancer in ČSSR


Klin Onkol 1988; 1(1): 11-13.

Colorectal carcinoma has become one of the most frequent malignant disease and also as a cause of the death the tumour has taken one of the first places. In the last 30 years (since 1954 to 1983) in ČSSR morbidity of colon cancer has risen from 418 (1954) to 3053 (1983) in absolute rate, it means 730%. In relation to 100 000 population incidence rate has increased from 3,2 to 19,8, it is 619%.
Carcinoma of rectum has changed its incidence rate either, from 716 (1954) to 3164 (1983) absolutely, e.g. 442, in the same time period with relative rate from 5,5 to 20,6 (375%). As to sex distibution can be seen nearly the same proportion of colon cancer at both sexes and 1,4 times higher incidence of rectal carcinoma at males. Successful treatment results of colon carcinomy in last 30 years period are unstriking and the morbidity courve is being followed by the parallel mortality one. At rectal cancer the treatment situation esspecially in the last decade is a little more optimistic with a clear divergence of both courves. Discussed differences in incidence of colorectal cancer in Bohemia and Slowakia.