Cryoglobulinemia - the first sign of the multiple myeloma


Klin Onkol 1992; 5(5): 147-148.

The first symptom of multiple myeloma is usually the bone pain. The cryoglobulinemia occurs seldom by this disease and does not endagere the life. In this report there is described a case of a 67 years old man who was till the autumn 1990 without any signs of seriouse illness. He had several times pain in his leg after a walk, the first symptoms of cryoglobulinemia.

After a walk in cold weather his legs turned white and developed necrosis which led to the amputation of all toes on both feet. The examination revealed cryoprotein and monoklonal imunoglobulin IgG kappa 10 g/l. The bone marrow smear was typical for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. The patient has died soon after the diagnosis because of sepsis. This article stress the necessity to think about multiple myeloma by patients with cryoglubulinemia and start immediately the therapy.