Positron emission tomography in pediatric malignancies


Klin Onkol 2003; 16(Suppl 2003): 97-99.

Abstract: Positron emission tomography (PET) is now the most dynamically developing imaging modality worldwide. Its clinical benefit for different tumours in adults is well documented. There is limited experience with children. The principle of PET is briefly explained in this work and the experience to date with children is summarised. In 3.5 years of operation of PET Centre Prague 193 oncological investigations of the trunk in children were carried out (3 %). PET proved helpful in staging before treatment, in the assessment of residual disease after treatment, and in the early diagnosis of tumour recurrence. In the analysed group of 28 investigations due to lymphoma and 25 investigations due to sarcoma, PET changed the course of therapy in 18 % and 36 % of cases respectively. PET is a non-invasive imaging modality with high diagnostic potential for pediatric oncology.

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