Programm integration of the oncological treatment in orofacial tummours


Klin Onkol 1988; 1(3): 78-80.

Summary: A rational programming of antitumorous therapy is of primary importance from the point of view of permanent of long-term remission of tumorous disease. A therapeutic tactics and strategy is the result of interdisciplinary experience of specialists engaged in oncology. The programme of therapy should come out of pathological and clinical staging and not from an a priori orientation to a certain method. The intensity and time course of therapeutic methods (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) must all serve to a resulting additive or potentiation effect. For a cytostatic chemoinduction (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) is available an effective programme VBM (vincristine-bleomycin-methotrexate) and a programme of Cisplatinum with Adriamysin (Epirubicin). A rational oncotherapy may be accomplished only in conditions of a reasonable integration of therapeutic procedures in specialized institutions.