Experimental treatment of malignant melanoma using ischemisation


Klin Onkol 1995; 8(01): 11-15.

Summary: Miniature laboratory pigs with a genetic predisposition to malignant melanoma were used in experimental ischemization of the tumour tissue (devascu!ariza-tion, devitalization). Multiple primary skin tumours in seven animals had mostly tuberous nodular form and in four animals were also recorded exfensive metastases in lymph nodes, liver, spleen, kidney and gastrointestinal tract. Ischemization of the primary skin tumours was achieved by series of partial'v overlapping matress sutures conducted around the tumours base, forming a chain. After careful tightening the sutures, devascularized tumour was not excided but left in situ. Following necrotization process caused disappearance of the tumour and produced flat scar with white depigmented bristles. Second or third laparotomic revision fat 4—8 week) revealed suprisingly regression of all metastases. The use of devitalization procedure in clinical practice is discussed.