Klin Onkol 1995; 8(5): 143-147.

Summary: Occlusion of central venous access devices (CVAD) is one of their most frequent complications. Cause of the occlusion is a blood clot in the most cases. Obstruction may be also due to lipid precipitation in patients with total parenteral nutrition and precipitation of poorly soluble fluid components (drug, minerals, etc.). CVAD occlusion can be complet, partial or withdrawal (one way occlusion). Decision of CVAD remove should be done after diagnostic and terapeutic steps if there is no technical complication or the catheter is not out of the vein. The use of solution is successful in 81 % - 100 % of all cases. Heparin and urokinase are the standard solutions. The HCl or NaHC03 can be used in indicated cases. The right nursing care belongs to the prophylactic regimen in the first stage. Frequences of flushing and concentration of heparin in the solution filled in the system after the aplication are likely not the main cause for the developing of the occlusion.