Micrometastases and isolated tumor cells, methods of detection, examination significance in colorectal cancer


Klin Onkol 2002; 15(6): 201-206.

Summary: The presence of metastases is ODe of the important prognostic determinants in patients with solid tumours. Despite however, is not found by routine diagnostic methods. Tumour progression can be caused by early tumour t.ell dissemination, undetectable by current standard techniques of cliníca! staging. Obviously, such tumour cell dissemination must have occurred prior to, or, theoretically, at the time of surgica! manipulation. Tumour cells can be detected by various imrnunohistochemica! methods or molecular techníques. The rea! prognostic significance of the detection of isolated tumour cells and micrometastases in colorectai carcinoma and its importance for indication of adjuvant therapy stili remains a question.

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