I am pleased to invite you to the 10th Annual Conference of the British Thoracic Oncology Group. I am happy to confirm that we are returning to the Burlington Hotel in Dublin. The hotel is located within 10 minutes walk from many of the attractions of Dublin's city centre, is 8 miles/12 km from Dublin airport and is serviced by Aircoach from the airport.
Yours sincerely
Prof Ken O’Byrne - President – BTOG
Aktivní účast
- Abstrakta do 14. listopadu 2011
- Informace k podávání abstrakt
Web: http://www.btog.org/annual-conference.htm
- Přidat do kalendáře: 2012-01-25 00:00:00 2012-01-27 23:59:59 Europe/Prague 10th Annual British Thoratic Oncology Group (BTOG) Meeting I am pleased to invite you to the 10th Annual Conference of the British Thoracic Oncology Group. I am happy to confirm that we are returning to the Burlington Hotel in Dublin. The hotel is located within 10 minutes walk from many of the attractions of Dublin's city centre, is 8 miles/12 km from Dublin airport and is serviced by Aircoach from the airport. Yours sincerely Prof Ken O’Byrne - President – BTOG The Burlington Hotel, Dublin, Ireland