6th Annual Oncology Update: Advances and Controversies

- , The Canyons, Park City, Utah, USA

Ethical Considerations
• Pain control
• Depression in the cancer patient
• Cognitive effects of chemotherapy

Thoracic Malignancies
• The role of adjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiation

Gastrointestinal Tumors
• Liver tumors
• Pancreatic cancer
• Gastric cancer

Breast Cancer
• Post-mastectomy radiation therapy
• The use of Herceptin
• Prognostic profiling

Plus: Topics in Melanoma, Genitourinary tumors and Endocrinology.

Web: http://www.mdander...d7-4cee-9769db428bb

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2006-01-14 00:00:00 2006-01-19 23:59:59 Europe/Prague 6th Annual Oncology Update: Advances and Controversies Ethical Considerations • Pain control • Depression in the cancer patient • Cognitive effects of chemotherapy Thoracic Malignancies • The role of adjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiation Gastrointestinal Tumors • Liver tumors • Pancreatic cancer • Gastric cancer Breast Cancer • Post-mastectomy radiation therapy • The use of Herceptin • Prognostic profiling Plus: Topics in Melanoma, Genitourinary tumors and Endocrinology. The Canyons, Park City, Utah, USA