- Odevzdání přihlášky (DOC) do 31. ledna 2010
22 April
8:30 Welcome address
Minister of Health of Montenegro
Chair:O. Pagani, CH
9:00 Epidemiology, prevention and screening
A. Jovicevic, RS
9:30 Pathology
E. Iljazovic, BA
10:00 Surgical oncology
W. Gatzemeier, IT - A. Celebic, FR
10:30 Radiation therapy
Y. Coscas, FR
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Palliative radiation therapy for metastatic disease
N. Borojevic, RS
12:00 Neoadjuvant systemic treatment
O. Pagani, CH
12:30 Adjuvant chemotherapy and targeted therapy
V. Todorovic, ME
13:00 Endocrine adjuvant therapy
T. Ceric, BA
13:30 Principles of systemic therapy in metastatic breast cancer
O. Pagani, CH
14:00 Lunch break
15:30 Case presentations
Minister of Health of Montenegro
Chair:O. Pagani, CH
9:00 Epidemiology, prevention and screening
A. Jovicevic, RS
9:30 Pathology
E. Iljazovic, BA
10:00 Surgical oncology
W. Gatzemeier, IT - A. Celebic, FR
10:30 Radiation therapy
Y. Coscas, FR
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Palliative radiation therapy for metastatic disease
N. Borojevic, RS
12:00 Neoadjuvant systemic treatment
O. Pagani, CH
12:30 Adjuvant chemotherapy and targeted therapy
V. Todorovic, ME
13:00 Endocrine adjuvant therapy
T. Ceric, BA
13:30 Principles of systemic therapy in metastatic breast cancer
O. Pagani, CH
14:00 Lunch break
15:30 Case presentations
23 April
Chair:T. Cufer, SI
8:30 Pathology and molecular biology
E. Iljazovic, BA
9:00 Surgery (NSCLC and SCLC)
9:30 Radiation therapy
P. Van Houtte, BE
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Chemotherapy in NSCLC
P. Stefanovski, MK
11:00 Chemotherapy of SCLC
D. Jovanovic, RS
11:30 Targeted therapies
T. Cufer, SI
12:00 Case presentations
13:00 Lunch break
Chair:V. Kesic, RS
14:30 The role of surgery
V. Kesic, RS
15:15 Systemic treatment
L. Stamatovic, RS
16:00 Case presentations
Chair:T. Cufer, SI
8:30 Pathology and molecular biology
E. Iljazovic, BA
9:00 Surgery (NSCLC and SCLC)
9:30 Radiation therapy
P. Van Houtte, BE
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Chemotherapy in NSCLC
P. Stefanovski, MK
11:00 Chemotherapy of SCLC
D. Jovanovic, RS
11:30 Targeted therapies
T. Cufer, SI
12:00 Case presentations
13:00 Lunch break
Chair:V. Kesic, RS
14:30 The role of surgery
V. Kesic, RS
15:15 Systemic treatment
L. Stamatovic, RS
16:00 Case presentations
24 April
Chair: G. Beretta, IT
9:00 Pathology
E. Iljazovic, BA
9:30 Surgery
N. Borley, UK
10:00 Locoregional management of liver metastases
E. Chouillard, FR
10:30 Radiation therapy of rectal cancer
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Adjuvant chemotherapy
S. Jelic, RS
12:00 Systemic treatment of advanced disease
G. Beretta, IT
12:30 Case presentations
Chair: G. Beretta, IT
9:00 Pathology
E. Iljazovic, BA
9:30 Surgery
N. Borley, UK
10:00 Locoregional management of liver metastases
E. Chouillard, FR
10:30 Radiation therapy of rectal cancer
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Adjuvant chemotherapy
S. Jelic, RS
12:00 Systemic treatment of advanced disease
G. Beretta, IT
12:30 Case presentations
Web: http://www.eso.net/events-2.html
- Přidat do kalendáře: 2010-04-22 00:00:00 2010-04-24 23:59:59 Europe/Prague Masterclass in Clinical Oncology Hotel Splendid, Becici, Montenegro