Multidisciplinary Teaching course on Lung Cancer

- , Nice, France


Vzdělávací program

  • Pitfalls in imaging procedures
  • PET in daily clinical practice
  • The biology of lung cancer
  • Patient evaluation before radical treatment
  • From mediastinal staging to lobectomy with lymph node dissection
  • Adjuvant & neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for resectable tumours
  • Chemotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy for borderline resectable tumours
  • The limitations of surgery for stage III tumours
  • Is there still a place for postoperative radiotherapy
  • State-of-the-art chest radiotherapy
  • Chemoradiotheapy for locally advanced NSCLC
  • The oligometastatic concept
  • The use of molecular markers
  • Assessment of tumour response
  • Management of acute and late effects of chemoradiotherapy
  • The challenge of brain metastases
  • Integration and organization of supportive care
  • Multimodality treatment of SCLC
  • Clinical case discussions


Web: http://www.estro-ed...Pages/Nice2010.aspx

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2010-10-28 00:00:00 2010-10-30 23:59:59 Europe/Prague Multidisciplinary Teaching course on Lung Cancer Nice, France