10th Annual Perspectives in Colorectal Cancer

- , InterContinental Chicago, Chicago, USA


Friday, August 7, 2009
8:00 am Welcome and introduction Richard M. Goldberg
Session I: Biology and pathogenesis
8:10 am Cell signaling in colorectal cancer Francis M. Giardiello, MD
8:30 am Genetics of colorectal cancer: Hereditary aspects Henry T. Lynch, MD
8:50 am Panel discussion
Session II: Screening and prevention
9:10 am Effective techniques to improve colon cancer screening in practice Michael Pignone, MD, MPH
9:30 am Colorectal cancer: Do health habits matter and how do patients lower risk Robert S. Sandler, MD, MPH
9:50 am Break
10:10 am Will virtual colonoscopy replace optical colonoscopy for colorectal cancer Speaker Invited
10:30 am Noninvasive molecular detection of colorectal neoplasia: Next generation approaches David A. Ahlquist, MD
10:50 am Panel discussion
11:10 am Clinical case studies and expert discussion
11:40 am Lunch break
Concurrent Session IIIa:Colorectal surgery and staging
1:15 pm PET scan vs. whole-body CT scan in the preoperative staging of colorectal cancer Timothy J. Akhurst, MD
1:35 pm Advances in colorectal surgery Nancy N. Baxter, MD, PhD, FRCSC
1:55 pm Staging of rectal cancer: MRI versus Ultrasound Nadim G Haddad, MD
2:15 pm Altering outcomes: Interventions for hepatic metastases Michael A. Choti, MD
2:35 pm Panel discussion
2:55 pm Break
Concurrent Session IIIb: Symptom management and supportive care
1:15 pm Diarrhea: Identifying who’s at increased risk and offering the appropriate management Speaker Invited
1:40 pm Optimizing the treatment strategies for chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity Speaker Invited
2:05 pm Mechanisms and management of EGFR inhibitor-associated dermatologic toxicities Mario E. Lacouture, MD
2:30 pm Panel discussion
2:50 pm Break
Session IV: Adjuvant treatment for rectal cancer
3:15 pm Optimizing standards in the surgical management of rectal cancer Heidi Nelson, MD
3:35 pm Periopererative adjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer Speaker Invited
3:55 pm Adjuvant radiation therapy for rectal cancers: Evidence from randomized trials and applications to practice Bruce D. Minsky, MD
4:15 pm Panel discussion
4:35 pm Closing remarks Richard M. Goldberg, MD and John L. Marshall, MD
4:40 pm Adjourn
Saturday, August 8, 2009
8:00 am Introduction John L. Marshall, MD
Session V: Adjuvant Therapy
8:10 pm Currently available adjuvant treatment of stage II/III colon cancer Speaker Invited
8:30 am Q&A
8:40 am Clinical and molecular features guiding us in adjuvant therapy Daniel J. Sargent, PhD
9:00 am Q&A
9:10 am Clinical case studies and expert discussion
9:40 am Break
Session VI: Metastatic colorectal cancer I
10:00 am Frontline chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer Richard M. Goldberg, MD
10:40 am Systematic continuation of care: Second and third-line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer Paul R. Helft, MD
11:05 am Predicting survival in metastatic colorectal cancer Speaker Invited
11:30 am Panel discussion
11:50 am Lunch break
Session VII: Metastatic colorectal cancer II
1:15 pm Antiangiogenic therapy for colorectal cancer Speaker Invited
1:40 pm Targeting EGFR: Implications in colorectal cancer management Speaker Invited
2:05 pm Bringing new agents to the clinic John L. Marshall, MD
2:30 pm Clinical case studies and expert discussion
3:00 pm Panel discussion
3:20 pm Closing remarks Richard M. Goldberg, MD and John L. Marshall, MD
3:30 pm Adjour

Kontakt: meetings@imedex.com

Web: http://www.imedex.c...cements/a108-01.asp

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2009-08-07 00:00:00 2009-08-08 23:59:59 Europe/Prague 10th Annual Perspectives in Colorectal Cancer InterContinental Chicago, Chicago, USA