Molecular Oncology for the Radiation Oncologist

- , Copenhagen, Denmark


Vzdělávácí program

Main topics of the course:
  • Molecular basis of cancer
  • Molecular basis of radiation response
  • Molecular basis for new targeted therapies
  • Molecular basis for patient treatment individualization
Questions addressed in the course include:
  • What are the most commonly altered pathways in cancer and how do they affect radiation response?
  • What is the response at the molecular level to radiation and how does this influence tumour and normal tissue behaviour?
  • How can our understanding of cancer and radiation response be used to develop new kinds of treatment?
  • Which pathways are already being targeted in combination with radiotherapy?
  • How will new genomic, proteomic and molecular imaging technologies be used to individualise patient treatment in the future?


Web: http://www.estro-ed...Copenhagen2010.aspx

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2010-05-30 00:00:00 2010-06-03 23:59:59 Europe/Prague Molecular Oncology for the Radiation Oncologist Copenhagen, Denmark