Multidisciplinary Course on Lung Cancer

- , CITY Conference Center, Na Strži 63/1676, Prague

Course aims

This advanced multidisciplinary course, jointly organized by ESTRO, ESMO, EACTS, ESTS, ESSO aims to promote an integrated approach to the diagnosis and management of lung cancer. The goal is to individualize the patient treatment approach based on the clinical presentation, prognostic factors, tumour extent and the patient. In the last decades, we have seen major technical and clinical improvements both for the diagnosis (including the different imaging procedures) and the treatment (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted therapies) for this very common and aggressive tumour, with clear benefit for the patients.

The course will be very interactive through the integration of lectures, debates and cases discussions and definitely multidisciplinary with a programme outlining the different treatments for lung cancer from evidence based medicine to the on-going research. The faculty will include chest physicians, radiologists, medical oncologists, thoracic surgeons and radiation oncologists.

Target Group

The course is meant specialists and trainees with some expertise in radiotherapy, surgery or chemotherapy that are interested in the management of lung cancer.

Course director

  • Paul Van Houtte, Radiation Oncologist, Institut Bordet, Brussels (BE)


  • Dirk De Ruysscher, Radiation Oncologist, MAASTRO Clinic/University Hospital Maastricht, Maastricht (NL)
  • Enriqueta Felip, Medical Oncologist, Valle d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona (ES)
  • Jaroslaw Kuždžal, Thoracic Surgeon, John Paul II Hospital, Krakow (PL)
  • Jiří Neuwirth, Radiologist, Insitute of Post-graduate medical Education, Prague (CZ)
  • Tom Treasure, Thoracic Surgeon,Clinical Operational Research Unit, UCL, London (GB)
  • Gonzalo Varela, Thoracic Surgeon, Hospital Universitario de Salamanca (ES)
  • Gérard Zalcman, Pneumologist, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Caen (FR)

Local organiser

  • Hana Stankusova, Radiation Oncologist, Medical Faculty, Motol, Prague (CZ)

Educational Programme

  • Pitfalls in imaging procedures
  • PET in daily clinical practice
  • The biology of lung cancer
  • Patient evaluation before radical treatment
  • From mediastinal staging to lobectomy with lymph node dissection
  • Adjuvant & neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for resectable tumours
  • Chemotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy for borderline resectable tumours
  • The limitations of surgery for stage III tumours
  • Is there still a place for postoperative radiotherapy
  • State-of-the-art chest radiotherapy
  • Chemoradiotheapy for locally advanced NSCLC
  • The oligometastatic concept
  • The use of molecular markers
  • Assessment of tumour response
  • Management of acute and late effects of chemoradiotherapy
  • The challenge of brain metastases
  • Integration and organization of supportive care
  • Multimodality treatment of SCLC
  • Clinical case discussions

Kontakt: MUDr. Hana Stankušová

Web: http://www.estro-ed...ges/Prague2009.aspx

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2009-10-15 00:00:00 2009-10-17 23:59:59 Europe/Prague Multidisciplinary Course on Lung Cancer Course aims This advanced multidisciplinary course, jointly organized by ESTRO, ESMO, EACTS, ESTS, ESSO aims to promote an integrated approach to the diagnosis and management of lung cancer. The goal is to individualize the patient treatment approach based on the clinical presentation, prognostic factors, tumour extent and the patient. In the last decades, we have seen major technical and clinical improvements both for the diagnosis (including the different imaging procedures) and the treatment (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted therapies) for this very common and aggressive tumour, with clear benefit for the patients. The course will be very interactive through the integration of lectures, debates and cases discussions and definitely multidisciplinary with a programme outlining the different treatments for lung cancer from evidence based medicine to the on-going research. The faculty will include chest physicians, radiologists, medical oncologists, thoracic surgeons and radiation oncologists. Target Group The course is meant specialists and trainees with some expertise in radiotherapy, surgery or chemotherapy that are interested in the management of lung cancer. CITY Conference Center, Na Strži 63/1676, Prague