UICC World Confrence of Cancer Organisations

- , Dublin, Irsko

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Program dalších dní na:  http://www.wcco.uic...gramme-thursday.htm

Distribution of Conference Materials and on site registrations

15:00 – 18:15
15:00 – 18:15
Registration and distribution of conference material
Exhibition Open for delegates
08:30 – 09:30 PLENARY 3, New Horizons in Cancer Care - Improving the Experience for Patients and Familes
Session kindly supported by AstraZeneca Oncology
Chair: Professor Kenneth Nilsson,
Uppsala University (Sweden)
Co-Chair: Professor Kevin Malone,
Professor of Psychiatry, St Vincents University Hospital/Univeristy College Dublin (Ireland)
Ranjit Kaur,
President, Malaysian Breast Cancer Council (Malaysia)
Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton,
Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society (Denmark)
Peter Cardy,
Chief Executive, Macmillan Cancer Relief (United Kingdom)
09:30 – 10:30 PLENARY 4, Components of an Effective and Dynamic Cancer Society
John McCormack,
Chief Executive, Irish Cancer Society (Ireland)
Isabel Mortara,
Executive Director, UICC - International Union Against Cancer (Switzerland)
Dr Ana Jovicevic-Bekic,
Secretary, Serbian Society for the Fight Against Cancer (Serbia)
Dr David Bristol,
President, Saint Lucia Cancer Society (Saint Lucia)
10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK, Exhibition and Poster Viewing
11:00 – 12:30 WORKSHOPS
  WORKSHOP 7 - Cancer Information Service – Patient Information
Chair: Mary Ann Bright, Member Board of Directors, International Cancer Information Service Group (ICISG) and Director, Cancer Information Service Program and Associate Director, Office of Cancer Information and Communications, National Cancer Institute (USA)
Speakers: Doreen Akkerman, Board Member, ICISG & Director, Cancer Information & Support Service, The Cancer Council Victoria, (Australia)
Monika Presley, Member Board of Directors, ICISG and Manager, German Cancer Information Service (Germany)
Chris Thomsen, Member Board of Directors, ICISG and Director, Office of National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health (USA)
Catherine Dickens, President, International Cancer Information Service Group and Head of Information Services, Macmillan Cancer Relief (UK)
  WORKSHOP 8 - Influencing the Outcome - The Power of Advocacy in Cancer Services
Sally West Brooks & Van Wolf , Volunteers, American Cancer Society (USA)
Tom Hudson, Chairman, Europa U'omo (Ireland)
  WORKSHOP 9 - Cancer Patient Support Groups in Palestine and Jordan (An Alternative to Western Design)
Carol L. El-Jabari, Director, Patient's Friends Society- Jerusalem, Consultant/Specialist King Hussein Cancer Centre (Jordan)
  WORKSHOP 10 - Managing your Message- A Case Study on the Effective Use of the Media in an Australian Cancer Campaign
Zoe Furman, Communications Director, The Cancer Council Victoria (Australia)
Craig Sinclair, Director, Cancer Education Unit, The Cancer Council Victoria (Australia)
Todd Harper, Director, Tobacco Control Unit, The Cancer Council Victoria (Australia)
  WORKSHOP 11 - Two-Way Street - Tapping into Local Resources for Support
Deborah Stringer, Director, Community Relations and Fundraising, The Cancer Council Victoria (Australia)
  WORKSHOP 12 - Spanish Speaking Workshop
Dr. Ignacio M. Musé, Vice President, Honorary Committee to Fight Against Cancer, Uruguay & Professor of Clinical Oncology at the State Faculty of Medicine (Uruguay)
LUNCH, Exhibition and Poster Viewing
14:00-15:30 SYMPOSIA
  SYMPOSIUM 7 - Detection - Issues around Cancer Screening
Chair – Louis Denis, Director, Oncology Centre Antwerp (Belgium)
Rob Van Klaveren, Erasmus MC - Daniel den Hoed Kliniek (The Netherlands)
Dr. Philip Smith, Urologist (United Kingdom)
Harmon J Eyre, Chief Medical Officer, American Cancer Society (USA)
  SYMPOSIUM 8 - Cancer Societies in Action – Tackling Tobacco Control
Chair: Dr Liisa Elovainio, UICC Council Member (Finland)
Jean King, Director of Behavioural Research and Tobacco Control, Directorate of Research Management and Planning, Cancer Research UK (United Kingdom)
Cheryl Moyer, Director of Tobacco Reduction (National), Canadian Cancer Society (Canada)
Todd Harper, Executive Director, Quit - Victorian Smoking & Health Program (Australia)
Dr David Bristol, President, Saint Lucia Cancer Society (Saint Lucia)
Luk Joossens (Consultant, European Cancer Leagues, Belgium)
  SYMPOSIUM 9 - Survivor and Family Issues in Cancer
Chair – Doug Ulman, Director of Survivorship, Lance Armstrong Foundation (USA)
Michelle Quinn, Oncology Liaison CNS, Mid-West Health Board, Oncology Department (Ireland)
Kathy Redmond (Ireland)
Ashur B Etwebi, Head of Medical Oncology Department, Naional Cancer Institute (Libya)
Professor Ramez N Bedwani, Director, Alexandria Regional Cancer Registry (Egypt)
Dr Noreen Aziz, Program Director, Office of Cancer Survivorship, Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, NIH, DHHS (USA)
  SYMPOSIUM 10 - Cancer Society Governance
Chair: Professor Dr Antonio Llombart- Bosch, Catedratico de Anatomia Patologica, Departamento de Patologia, Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
Gerald J Maburn, Vice President - Planning & Governance, American Cancer Society (USA)
Thomas G. Burish, Volunteer, American Cancer Society (USA)
  SYMPOSIUM 11 - Research in Cancer Prevention & Clinical Trials
Chair: Dr. Tomoyuki Kitagawa, Director, The Cancer Institute of JFCR, Tokyo (Japan)
Doug Weed, Chief, Office of Preventive Oncology, Director, Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program, National Cancer Institute (USA)Professor Peter Selby, Director, University of Leeds ,St James Univeristy Hospital, Cancer Research UK (United Kingdom)
Marie Malica, Project Manager, Cancer Trials NSW, The Cancer Council New South Wales (Australia)
Dr Sharmila Patil, Associate Professor and Asst Physician, Department of Preventive Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital (India)
  SYMPOSIUM 12 - The Power of Perception - Branding and Marketing your Cancer Organisation
Chair: To be confirmed
Janice Blondeau, Director of Communications, International Union Against Cancer (UICC) (Switzerland)
Gavin Coopey, Development Director, Cancer Research UK (United Kingdom)
Jenny Crocker, Head/Media & Health Communication , Cancer Council, NSW (Australia)
Zoe Furman, Communications Director, The Cancer Council Victoria (Australia)
15:30-16:00 COFFEE BREAK, Exhibition & Poster Viewing
16:00 – 17:15 FREE PAPER SESSION
• Planning & Cancer Registries
• Capturing the Public Imagination - Effective Campaign Targeting for Cancer Organisations
• Bridging the Divide - Towards Equity for Patients
• Tactic’s in Tobacco Control - Effective Models in Local Settings
• Keeping Up with Cancer - Perspectives on Professional Education in the Cancer Care Arena
16:00 – 17:15 WORKSHOP - Making Prevention Work - Issues and Actions (Limited Attendance)
Professor Helene Sancho-Garnier, PR of Public Health, Montpellier Univeristy (France)
Dr Karen Slama, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (France)
Andreas Biedermann, Public Health Services (Switzerland)
Professor Annie Anderson, University of Dundee (Scotland)

Web: http://www.wcco.uicc.org/

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2004-11-17 00:00:00 2004-11-19 23:59:59 Europe/Prague UICC World Confrence of Cancer Organisations Dublin, Irsko