Pancoasťs Tumour Object of Multidisciplinarity. An Originál Case

Konference: 2010 XVIII. Západočeské pneumoonkologické dny

Kategorie: Zhoubné nádory plic a průdušek

Téma: Odborný program

Číslo abstraktu: 2010_03

Autoři: prof. MUDr. Karel Novák, DrSc., FICS; M. Sonnek; D. Weck; C. Paetzel

Background: Recent literature describes a Pancoasťs tumour as an object of interdisciplinarity. The authors presents a specific situation in which a patient with a subclavian-brachial venous bypass was successfully operated after preoperative radiochemotherapy by surgical multidisciplinary co-operation.

Aims: Presentation of teamwork is a main aim of this article

Methods: A special case is described, in which the situation was complicated due to the fact that the patient had a vessels trauma five years before with a subclavian-brachial venous reconstruction in the region of Pancoasťs tumour. 52 year-old patient with Pancoasťs adenocarcinoma was preope-ratively treated with radiochemotherapy and later, after restaging, radically operated in a situation of regression of the tumour.

Results: Using combination of cervical and thoracotomical approach with the help of vascular and orthopaedic surgeon we realized RO resection. We provided upper lobectomywith resection of 1st ribs and radical lymphnodes dissection. After this RO surgery any following additional therapy was not necessary.

Conclusions: Pancoastic tumour in an object of teamwork between non surgical disciplines and surgery. In specific situations it can be an object of co-operation between surgical specialisations-thoracic, vascular and orthopaedic surgery.

Datum přednesení příspěvku: 11. 11. 2010