NK-T cells are expanded in cancer patients.

Konference: 2007 XXXI. Brněnské onkologické dny a XXI. Konference pro sestry a laboranty

Kategorie: Nádorová biologie/imunologie/genetika a buněčná terapie

Téma: Postery

Číslo abstraktu: 223 (p227)

Autoři: Doc. RNDr. Lenka Zdražilová Dubská, Ph.D.; MUDr. Tomáš Frgala

NK-T cells are unusual lymphocytes coexpressing some NK markers and possessing the self-reactivity and capacity to secrete quantities of cytokines implicating their importance in anti-tumour immunity. However, it is not clear whether NK-T cells enhance anti-tumor response via TH1 pro-inflammatory cytokines production or rather suppress the anti-tumor response by secretion of TH2 cytokines.
We aimed to investigate whether the correlation between cancer-state and number of NK-T cells exists and to specify the expression pattern of some antigens which could be associated with division into functional subsets. For this purpose, peripheral lymphocytes from more than 200 solid cancer patients in different state of disease and a control group of non-cancer adults were immunophenotyped by flow cytometry and the relative and absolute numbers of NK-T cells were assessed. Cancer patients were divided to one of three groups determined by /i/ new diagnosis /ii/ disseminated disease and /iii/ diseases-free remission, and statistical analysis of NK-T cell numbers with respect to these groups was performed.
Our data show the significant (p<0.01) increase of NK-T cells in patients with active malignancy (newly diagnosed and more profound in disseminated disease) compare to NK-T cells levels in non-cancer patients and patients in remission. We show case reports demonstrating gradual decrease of NK-T cells after initiation of anti-tumour therapy and increase of these lymphocytes during progression of disease. Concerning the immunophenotype, majority of NK-T cells was CD3+CD16-CD56+ and CD8 predominated CD4 expression. This work demonstrates that NK-T cells are expanded in solid cancer patients.

This work was supported by the Czech Ministry of Health (Grant No. MZ000209805)

Datum přednesení příspěvku: 23. 4. 2007